Timecatch understands the importance of providing quality, safe and clean services to our clients as it is the vital part of being a successful services provider. All sites are to comply with Construction’s Quality Control Procedures as provided in the Building Works Inspections Manual. This procedure describes the method to be used for the inspection and monitoring of Time Catch’s building works.
All sites are to allocate persons responsible for compliance with the implementation of the system in the designated areas. Key performance areas requiring special monitoring are to be identified and, if deemed necessary, additional systems incorporated to ensure compliance with standards.
Time Catch’s Construction recognizes Affirmative Action as an integral part of its business strategy. Accepting the values and aspirations of the new Botswana, we ensure the implementation of Affirmative Action through the following:Equal employment opportunities & conditions, Advancement of all employees
Our mission is to achieve and maintain the highest level of Safety, Health & Environment control in all areas of the Company’s operations. Innovative training and education programs allow us to provide our employees and subcontractors with the tools they need to increase safety and reduce the risk on every project we manage.
The protection of our environment is a prerequisite consideration in all decisions and actions of the Company. Coupled with our generic Environmental Management Plan (EMP), the site management will formulate a site specific EMP prior to occupation of the project.
Time Catch’s Construction’s quality assurance procedures are comprehensive and fully enforced.